Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Vegetable Fritter

I found myself staring into the fridge, unsure what would be for dinner. I was making some minced beef that could have been served on rice or pasta, but I didn't want either.

There it was - a zucchini - but what would it become?

RECIPE: Veggie Fritters

1 medium zucchini, grated
2 cups corn
5 eggs
2 cups
1/2 cup flour
8-12 scallions, sliced
3-6 cloves garlic, minced
salt & pepper

> grate the zucchini, preferably on the food processor
> put all the ingredients into a large bowl and mix together
> get the skillet hot over medium heat - I prefer cast iron for this
> spray a little oil into the pan and then spoon the vegetable fritter mix into the pan in patties
> flip the patties once they are golden
> serve with meat, eggs, or cheese on top

Dinner ended up being wildly popular and the kids loved it. I sent leftovers with them to school for lunch the next day. My younger son spilled them on the floor and cried because he was unable to eat more.

The other beauty of this recipe is that it could easily work with many other vegetable pairings; here are just a few off the top of my head:
- yams, onion, peas, curry powder
- squash, leeks, ginger, tomato
- potato, olives, garlic, peppers, oregano
- red cabbage, 1 tsp vinegar, beets, red onion
- romano beans, potatoes, garlic, mustard

Tell me what you do with this meal idea; what works well and what does not.

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